Microseismic Service
Microseismic Service
    Fracturing is an important mean for low permeability reservoir stimulation. The fracture length, frature height, permeability and reservoir-scale transmissive fairways are significant parameters of the fracture effect. We can optimize fracturing design using the Microseismic results.
    Microseismic monitoring technology , contains earth surface microseismic monitoring technology and down hole microseismic monitoring technology, is based on acoustic emission and seismology. It can monitor the fracture extension according to variation in pressure.
    Conventional microseismic monitoring mainly includes data acquisition, data processing, hypocenter  location and inversion.
Technology and Services
    Harding Shelton Group has extensive experience in unconventional energy services and has advanced technology and extensive experience about microseismic monitoring in shale hydraulic fracture.
    We can provide the following technology service results:
    1. Hypocenter location and hypocenter analysis
    2. Focal mechanism and focal mechanism solution
    3. Near-well and reservoir-scale TFI
    4. Pre-frac and post-frac TFI
    5. Neostress orientations and the optimal well drilling orientations
Tomographic Fracture Images
    Not all of microseismic monitoring has the same results. The advantages of Tomographic Fracture Images include:
    1. Directly image fractures and faults 
    2. Actually image the reservoir-scale transmissive fairways 
    3. Correctly identify the reservoir boundary
    4. Provide the correct drilling orientation information