Unconventional Resource Eval
    Shale gas is existing in shale layers mainly in adsorption and free phase. It has complex reservoir conditions, characteristics and distribution rules. It is obviously special in resource potentiality evaluation and target optimization.
    HSPET has a complete set of shale gas resource assessment techniques, including:
    1.  On-site Coring Service 
Field engineers finish coring operation at the wellsite, and collect drilling and coring data. A part of core samples are used for total gas content analysis on site, and the rest core samples are sealed and sent to shale core analysis laboratory in the US.
    2. Experimental Analysis for Unconventional Core 
    Core analysis facilitates comprehensive understanding of the physical properties of rocks and minerals in nature; identifies potential damage type, extent and reason for reservoir; and provides basis and recommendations for engineering designs of various operations to protect oil and gas layers.
    3. Unconventional Logging Evaluation Technique
    Logging evaluation technique for shale gas reservoir of HSPET includes the following four aspects: qualitative identification of shale gas reservoirs; hydrocarbon potential evaluation for shale; lithology and reservoir parameters evaluation for shale gas reservoir; rock mechanics parameters and fracture index evaluation.
    4. Unconventional Reservoir Evaluation System
    Comprehensive evaluation of reservoir is based on field and laboratory core analysis data and logging interpretation data.
    5. Resource Abundance Assessment 
    The methods used to evaluate shale gas resource potential mainly include volumetric method, analogy method, statistical analysis, genetic and synthesis method. Volumetric method is the more common method for shale gas resource evaluation, which is based on the occurrence mode and resource classification of shale gas.
    6. Unconventional Zone / Single Well Evaluation
    Determine the target layer for shale gas development and further determine the enrichment rule for shale gas in the target layer. Establish the litho-electric comparative interpretation relation between geochemical index and well logging curves, and optimize the appropriate parameter for determining the distribution of shale gas in this area, thus to lay foundation for the area evaluation. Evaluate the suitability of well completion and sand fracturing plan, and formulate the optimal measures.