Component Supply & Service

Vibration Dampener

Post Time:2014-08-06 Hits:
    The Vibration Dampener is designed to reduce the shock and vibration impacted upon expensive MWD strings, while allowing the MWD tools to function inside the evolved drilling program. As a shock and vibration dampener, the Vibration Dampener reduces the impact of destructive energy on the MWD tool. Axial shock and vibration are reduced by a factor of 7 to 10 (~65% downhole), and lateral shock and vibration are reduced by a factor of 5 to 7 (~50% downhole).The Vibration Dampener is the new standard in MWD tool protection.
    Main Features:
> Reduces axial and lateral shock and vibration by a factor of 7 to 10 and 5 to 7, respectively
Lubricated anti-rotational and compression chambers isolated from sands/solids with sealing features
Infusion hardening, instead of coating or plating, to provide extended life cycles and smooth dampening action
Complete service in less than one hour
Proven results from the harshest environments
Protects the entire MWD string: pulser, gamma, directional module, and batteries
Double-acting dampening on compression and extension


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