Component Supply & Service

Stepper Pulser

Post Time:2014-08-06 Hits:
    The Compass Positive Stepper Pulser generates a sequence of pressure increment pulses in the circulating system, enabling the transmission of MWD data recorded downhole to surface. The tool is fully retrievable and replaceable, which saves rig time by eliminating pipe trips for directional equipment.The Compass Pulser Module consists of 3 main sections: Pulser Driver, Oil Fill, and Helix End. The pulser allows mud flow to be restricted, creating a pressure differential by way of a main orifice poppet/orifice assembly. The movement of the main poppet in and out of the orifice creates an increase in pressure. The two factors that greatly affect poppet movement are the operation of the electrical section of the module and the fluid pressure on the compensation membrane.
    Main Features:
> Simple to operate under a wide range of flow rates
Operable in lost circulation material concentrations of 30-50 lb/bbl medium nut plug
Servo technology for faster data rates, stronger signal, and superior anti-jamming capabilities for reliable data transmission in difficult drilling
Exceptionally power-efficient with battery life of up to 420 hours


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