Case Show

Microseismic Monitoring Services

Post Time:2014-04-11 Hits:
    JianX HF-2 well is a shale gas well of Sinopec with a target layer depth of 700m, 1000m horizontal length, which consists of 10 segments fracture.

    Harding Shelton Group provides surface microseismic services for JianX HF-2 well to get near-well and Reservoir-Scale TFIs map, ESRV , induced fracture and natural fracture information and generate information about the reservoir stress state and the best drilling direction and provide development planning and have an analysis of tectonic feature. In short, the microseismic monitoring plays a very important role for the later exploration and development planning for this study areas.

Graphic summary of the creation of TFI data sets

Graphic summary of the relationship between the distribution of microcracks and larger
natural fault and fracture permeability fairways.

left: the map view of the hypocenters  right: the profile view of the hypocenters

The map view of the Tomographic Fracture Imaging

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