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Harding Shelton Group was invited to attend the International Academic Forum of China Natural Gas and New Energy

Post Time:2018-04-19 Hits:
    From April 19th to April 21th, 2018, the RIPED and the Natural Gas Committee of the Chinese Petroleum Society jointly organized the International Academic Forum of China Natural Gas and New Energy with the theme of natural gas era and new energy future. Mr. Xia Wenwu, the senior vice president of the Harding Shelton Group, was invited to attend the meeting.

    "Energy clean, secure and sustainable development" is the main direction of energy development in the 21st century. The rapid development of natural gas and new energy will lead the world in energy transformation, and will become the main energy supply in the middle and later of this century. The forum was honored to invite 17 domestic academicians, 8 international guests and Hong Kong guests, and more than 400 well-known domestic experts and scholars to share in Langfang. During the meeting, Zhang Yuqing, the former deputy director of the National Energy Administration, analyzed China  energy development outlook and the status of the oil and gas industry; Chen Qingquan, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and academician of the British Royal Academy of Engineering, expressed his views on innovation-driven, new energy, new energy vehicles, and smart energy; Xia Wenwu, the senior vice president of Harding Shelton Group, gave a splendid speech on the topic of enhanced USA well completion techniques revitalize unconventional gas economics. Mr. Xia also responded to reporters with six well-known domestic and foreign academicians and experts.
    In the end, the forum was complete success. Representatives of the conference spoke highly of the meeting and believed that the International Academic Forum of China Natural Gas and New Energy was a rare annual event in China's energy sector.

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